Download In this episode, we’re talking about the new Bullet Train slow down; the business of birthright citizenship and how tax receipts are down.WATCH: Bernie Sanders being interviewed by Jorge Ramos, where he completed ducks the question of whether or not...
Download In this episode, we’re discussing how: CDCR’s “rehabilitation” programs have proven to be a complete failure; Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s staff and fellow council members are facing an FBI probe on development bribes and...
Download In this episode, we’re discussing how California wants to start paying college athletes outside of the NCAA rules; Southern California Edison is suing Santa Barbara County over their role in not preventing the massive mudslides in Montecito and...
Download In this episode, we’re discussing: Kamala Harris’ (D-California) bid to run for President; Gov. Gavin Newsome appoints California’s first Surgeon General and Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) bans the use of gender pronouns in Judicial...
Download In this episode, we’re discussing: How California’s crime rates are up for the first time in decades amidst lighter sentencing and early release; California bans gender as a metric in car insurance rates and Gavin Newsom wants to tax drinking...